Trusted Senior Care Partners

Avicenna Senior Care

Avicenna Senior Care is about providing exceptional service and addressing the unique needs of each senior in our care. Our approach centers on providing high-quality, personalized care that respects the dignity and individuality of every person we serve. With a team of experienced professionals dedicated to the well-being of our seniors, we focus on delivering comprehensive care that encompasses not just physical health, but emotional and social well-being too.

We understand that excellent care is about more than just medical expertise; it’s about creating a supportive and responsive care partnership where every senior feels understood, valued, and cared for. Whether it’s through our tailored senior programs or our innovative wellness initiatives, our commitment is to ensure that each individual experiences the best possible quality of life.We pride ourselves on providing superior senior care, constantly innovating and improving our services to meet the evolving needs of our community. We invite you to experience the care that you and your loved ones can trust.

Sohaib Mannan, MD


Director of Senior Care

Senior Services

1. Healthy Aging and Longevity

Our outpatient service allows seniors to visit our clinic for specialized care. This service is centered around promoting and maintaining the highest quality of life for our seniors, with a focus on holistic wellness. Our team of physicians, board-certified in geriatrics, senior care, and metabolic health, provide a range of services including preventive health, de-prescription, nutrition and fitness counseling, and mental health support.

In addition to our clinic-based care, we also offer a concierge at-home senior care service. This option is designed for families and seniors who prefer receiving care in the comfort of their own home. It includes regular home visits from our doctors, ensuring continuous and personalized medical attention. This at-home service embodies our commitment to accessible, comfortable, and comprehensive healthcare, tailored to meet the unique needs of each senior in their own living environment.

2. Post-acute Care

We collaborate with top-tier facilities, including skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, and personal care homes, as well as a range of senior care service providers like home care, wound care, and outpatient physical therapy. This partnership enables us to offer specialized care and support after hospitalization or significant health events.

Our goal is to prevent further complications and reduce the need for hospital readmissions.By working closely with patients and their families, we develop personalized care plans that focus on essential aspects of recovery. These plans may include physical therapy, strategic medication management, wound care, and other vital rehabilitation services. Our approach is designed to ensure a smooth and efficient recovery process, facilitating a better quality of life and promoting sustained health for our seniors.

3. Palliative and Hospice Support

Palliative and Hospice Support Focused on providing compassionate care and support for seniors facing serious illness or end-of-life care.

Our palliative and hospice support services offer a holistic approach, addressing not only the physical needs but also the emotional and spiritual well-being of patients and their families. We prioritize comfort, dignity, and peace in this sensitive phase of life.

Our Team

Bilal Mannan, MD MHP

Internal Medicine Preventive Medicine Obesity & Metabolic Medicine

Hyasmie Charles, MD

Internal Medicine Womens Health

Sohaib Mannan, MD

Director of Geriatrics and Senior Care

Practice Reviews